
Monday, April 2, 2012


The title is named "Untitled" because there is a lot that is going to be posted here and I feel random.. So ya. Ha

First order of business: ISU
I got accepted to ISU. Hopefully it was as an in-state student. If not, oh well. I think it would still be worth it. There is going to be a lot of changes in the next few months and I can't wait to get started! What I plan on doing is:
  • Finish the semester at Weber and hope I stay above a 2.0... I only have about two weeks left so time will tell. 
  • Decide if I think it is worth staying in Ogden and walking all of May for money. The job isn't too bad but idk. I need the money. I am half way there to what I wanted to save.
  • Stay in Malad and help my dad a little with the farm. My brothers will take over moving pipe this year I think but I will help a little.
  • Start looking for jobs in the Pocatello area. Hopefully in some form of computer job. I could probably transfer my job to a Pizza Hut up there but I am not completely sure if I would like that...
  • Then look for an apartment or house if my friend decides to stay and not move out.
  • When school starts, I will hopefully have a job and a place to stay. If no job by than, hopefully I will have saved up some money to live off of by then....
My dad isn't overly thrilled with this. I am not sure why. I guess he seems to think that I will live with someone the rest of my life? He said that he would be fine with it if I went and stayed at his girlfriends house (which is in Pocatello also). But then I would be back to square one and I will not have gained anything that I wanted to... Hopefully my grades will get better up there. I do a lot better academically when I am happy. Right now I have to keep motivating myself over and over and over again. That is why I have periods in my grades where I do awesome and then slip into a terrible spot. I know I will have to motivate myself up there to as well, but hopefully it will be a lot less frequent... 

Second order of business: Tyler
My brother Tyler also decided to move back home. I am glad too. That was NOT a good place for him to be. He is a lot like me and he was at a VERY fragile stage where he was willing to do anything for acceptance when he went down there. I can see he has already changed quite a bit but not near as much as I thought would happen. Anyways my brother Kyle went down there this week to get him and spend some time with the family. I would have went too but I had a test and I did not have enough notice to get time off for work. Hopefully I will be able to see Tyler this weekend.

Third order of business: Life/Stress Levels/???
These last few weeks I have had an overwhelmingly low amount of stress for some strange reason. Even though I have a large load of homework I am backed up on, I have this sense of calmness over me. I have yet to decide if this is a good thing though. Ha. It could mean that my mind has found a way to take it all in and work with what I got. It could also mean that I have given up and am just waiting for it all to end... I am hoping for the first one! Haha
Also, I got into a pretty big fight with my friend this weekend over why they would not hang out with me. That may seem like a stupid thing to get in a fight about (and it may have been), but after waiting a long time (a year) to hang out with them, they still refused. They said that I am afraid to get out of my comfort zone and that was why they didn't want to. That is no longer entirely true though. I have come out of my shell a lot this past year. Not as much as I would have liked to but still, progress is progress right? I actually think it is the exact opposite. But oh well. I am not sure whether to talk to them first or wait for them. I just got tired of waiting and tired of not being able to say all that I had on my mind about it. What good is a friend if they won't talk to you in person when they live in the same town? Enough ranting about that... If they see this, maybe it will help (probably more likely to piss them off but oh well...). Kind of sucks not having anyone to text now though. Ha

Third order of business: Technology/Blog/Others....
Remember the computer I told you about in my Hobbies article? Well I decided to give up on putting Mac on it and slapped Windows 7 on it instead. It was working great for a long time! I had ePSXe (plays Playstation 1 Games :) haha) on it and a bunch of other things. Then the WiFi decided to screw up (happened before I tried putting Mac on it too), so deciding it was a Windows issue, I put Ubuntu on it today. Much better! The WiFi has only acted up once but it does that on my laptop too so that isn't too big of a deal.
My blog is still kind of bland. I need to add some stuff to it and make it my own. Since I know a little bit of HTML and CSS, I should be able to whip up something. Probably won't happen until I have a LOT of free time (which won't be until the end of April sadly). So boring it will stay for now! 
I wrote "Others" at the end of the sub topic. I thought there was going to be more that I would want to add but it is getting late. So rather than delete it, I figured I would waist more of your time and ramble on about how I probably should have deleted it but didn't. So there you go.. Yup still there.