
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Been Almost A Year...

It has been almost a year since life as me and my brothers and dad knew it. Still cannot believe the way I found out. It was the day before spring break on a Thursday. I was going to the last class of the day which was band. Mr. Bennett asked me into his office. Didn't think nothing of it. Me and him were pretty cool. He asks what was going on. I asked what he meant. He said Allen and Tyler had checked out of school that day. I think he immediately realized I didn't know about this. My reply was "She actually went through with it then.." Basically we talked about what had been going on. I had an idea that she still was thinking about leaving my dad. She only talked to Allen and Tyler about it though. At this point, I got the idea that my mom had somehow "brainwashed" them into thinking it would be awesome down there. (It was far from it as we found out later..) I came into band. I swear I probably looked really stressed but I was somewhat calm. When school got out, I drove home, came through the door. Saw my mom on facebook (whole other story about that..), and just let her have it... First and only time I cursed at her. (May not seem like a big deal but I believed it showed them respect by not cursing around my parents. So it was a big deal) Kyle joined in on the "conversation" at this point. He was clueless as well. Basically it ended with me packing my stuff and heading to Spencer's house for a day or two. After that I went and helped her pack. What else was I supposed to do? I had to make sure she didn't take everything we had so that me and Kyle could survive until my dad got home. However she did take most of our food.. When she left, I can't even remember what happened... It was quiet with only me and Kyle there.

Sad thing is, we were already sort of used to living on our own. My mom pretty much became a "leech" a year or so before. A lot of the time we had to cook our own dinner and I usually had to clean the house before my dad came home so that he wouldn't get mad. She would spend her day on the computer playing games or talking to people on facebook.

After a few weeks, we were sort of used to it. One of my friends didn't know the whole story and thought me and Kyle were moving too. It was all a messed up situation... Allen and Tyler came up for the summer. We had a hard time sometimes. We all usually got along but there were times when we would fight. Thats what brothers do though. Allen had to go back early for something. Tyler stayed up there for a little. We went all the way down there instead of halfway (which is what is supposed to happen). Mainly to see the condition of the house they were living in. It wasn't good... The outside was horrible. There wasn't a yard (actually there was, trash...), the roof didn't have tar paper or shingles so it leaked, and the back of the house had a lot of structural damage. Honestly, if my dad wanted to, he probably could've had a social worker sent there to evaluate the house and had them out of there. The inside was a little better. It was at least painted and redone a little. We then took Tyler down a few weeks later for school.

Not long after that, Allen decided to come up. I still don't know the whole story but I guess he had had enough. I went down in my Jeep and picked him up in Green River, Utah ("half way") and brought him home. We went to Lagoon the next day and had a lot of fun. He has been a lot happier up here.

Tyler might come up here soon by the looks of things. I should probably talk to him more. I do miss him. My mom I guess isn't getting any better. I don't know what is going on down there. From what I am reading on Facebook though isn't good. Tyler needs to come home though. If he doesn't, I have a bad feeling he is not going to turn out well. That is NOT a good environment for him down there. It is just too unstable. My mom doesn't have a job and from what I have been told, she drinks a lot and has no intention of getting a job.

Like I said on Facebook, it is amazing what can happen in a years time. I did see myself living in Ogden. I did see myself living at my aunt's house and going to Weber State University. I did see a lot of things happening. One year ago today, I sort of saw all the above coming. However, once my dad stopped drinking for a long time, I thought that maybe stuff would work out. Guess not...

In some ways, we are all better off I guess if you think about (well, almost). My dad is happier than he has been in a long time. The only people who have a net negative outcome I guess would be Tyler and my mom (however she would say differently)... Hopefully he will make his way back up here..

This sums up the story of what has happened in the past year with my family. A lot is missing but the general stuff is hear. I'm sorry if I go off on a tangent on some spots or if some parts don't really make sense. I just wrote this as it came for the most part. Seemed like the thing to do. Hopefully "happier" items of my life will be posted on this blog for now on...

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