
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Music and Me

In my "About Me" thing on the right side of the page I make mention of liking basically all forms of music. Why is this the case? Well I made this "discovery" a week or so ago while listening to some music. No matter what I listened to, every single song I could find some kind of meaning to it. Most of the songs had a good meaning to them; meanings that could impact the listener's life if they listened to it.

Another reason why I like almost all forms of music is because just one kind of music gets boring to me after so long. Some genres get more boring to faster than others. With instrumental music, I can usually feel it flowing, and I start to "visualize" what the music is doing. If it is an up beat song with lots of drums hitting (the halo soundtrack comes to mind), I think of a fight or some other intense type of scene. Or sometimes a song will have certain things in it that will give me goose bumps every time I hear it. Like in the Halo 3 Soundtrack that song "Roll Call". Around 1:50, there is a series of string instruments playing that just takes me away for some reason. I have always loved that part. If I need to calm down and think, I usually play a form of instrumental music.
I am not a fan of rap music really though. No reason really. I just don't like most of it. There are a few exceptions though..

Another form of music I like even though a lot of it doesn't make sense or have a reason to it is Dubstep. I like hearing what other people have created, even if it isn't 100% their own work. A lot of what people make isn't the best, but there are some that are just awesome. I don't know what it is about low hitting bass that we like but that is what dubstep is all about. It is basically just remixed songs with some other sounds thrown into the mix. One of my favorites is made by Skrillex called "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites". Link The "Oh my gosh" is actually from this if you were wondering. (My brother noticed that. I didn't even know of it. Ha)

Some other music I would like to listen to more is the stuff that people release for free. Why? It may not all be good but they actually wanted to write it and they are only doing it for themselves. (This is actually going to create another topic for me to talk about in another post. Ha). I just wish more people were like that. Giving their work away instead of selling it for profit. I realize they have to make a living too. I will post a longer discussion about this in a later post.

At any rate, I love music. It is my life. There is a reason why every single culture in the world has some form of music. It makes us who we are.


  1. haha! That is so funny that we both wrote about music. I really didn't even know you had posted this! haha We are just awesome, I guess. :D

  2. Haha it was pretty awesome when I found out that you wrote about the same thing I did. I really love your "epic music" by the way. It really is... epic. Haha
