
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Money... "It makes the world go round"

This is a problem. Before money, society used to use a system of trading. You had something you wanted (say a loaf of bread), you would have had to trade it for something of equal value (a rug). In this system, nothing is created out of thin air. Even if you were a baker who used their own wheat to make their bread, the process still requires time and work to make. Thus the bread wasn't created from nothing. Today however, you can make money from doing nothing (stocks, interest, investing in a start up company, government printing it, etc). Where does this end? In this system, you have terms such as inflation and deflation. In the old system (trade), you had a similar concept as well. The difference being the "inflation" and "deflation" was on a per item basis. In our current system, if the money inflates, everything does as well. This is bad. It makes the money worth less sense most of the time the amount people are paid doesn't go up either; making everything cost more. Why couldn't deflation fix this? Same problem. The money value would go down, but at a different rate than the pay rate.

This system also goes directly in the face of many laws of physics. One is "energy cannot be created or destroyed." Now you may say what does this have to do with physics? Nothing really. However, how can you make money by selling something for more than you payed for it? Easily. BUT, you can't do this forever. Something like this isn't stable and it puts value on everything and makes people greedy and uncaring. Why do we have thieves? Money. Murderers? (Life insurance fraud) Money. Why does society have any negative things in it? Maybe not all of it has to do with money, but a large part of it does. Our government is controlled by money. If a big business is financially threatened, all they have to do is send money to the government (not exactly but in a nut shell) and they will more than likely be taken care of. The SOPA and PIPA bills that almost passed are perfect examples of this. We even have proof the media companies were bribing them. Here I was blown away when I read this.

I also think the current system we are in is stalling us as a society. The automobile isn't improving because the oil companies buy the rights to patents that increase the efficiency of gasoline engines (look at the U.S. patents online and you will find tons of patents for this like this). As a result we still have the majority of our cars still getting under 30 mpg. We will also never have the miracle cure to cancer. Even if it does exist, the drug companies will never let it out unless they find a way to make into a yearly vaccine sort of thing. They would go out of business. We aren't advancing ourselves into space because of why? You guessed it, money. We don't have any to do that...

If everyone was working to better society and to make a living for themselves, we would be a lot better off. With this thing we call money, we will never get there. People always like to hoard it and they turn greedy as a result. Yes it is a lot more convenient to use money over trading stuff straight across, however it won't last. Especially with all the mismanagement countries and large corporations are doing with it.

I would seriously like to see a place made to try out this "free and open" society. Instead of money, there would be a form of trading and people would have to make their own contribution to society. It would be like the old villages society used to live in. I don't know if this system would work in this age though. We have the Internet which makes it so much easier to share and contribute. However, due to greed by the large media companies, we may soon loose that. This will stagnate society even more...

Hopefully you see now that money is source of the major problems we as a society have today. It is the main cause for greed, people take advantage of other people for it, and it is a way to control people (try living without it). We can't live without it though so I don't see an easy way of fixing it without having a group of people (a small "start up" created for the sole purpose of demonstrating this is about the only way I see of trying it out...) test this out and even then I doubt it would prove anything.. Maybe this is what society has become; full of greed, power hungry, and just evil. If there was a way to make it in this world (without being a homeless person) without making money and just making good contributions to society, I think I would try it out for awhile. I don't think there is though. All I can do is live in this world and hope enough people think about this and start taking power back so we can change society as a society, together. I would rather this then have a bunch of greedy, power hungry small group of people making changes to society that only benefit the people paying them...

Well, rant off. If you have something to say or something you would like to add, post a comment or send me a text or email. I do hope this has at least made some of you ponder about the system we are in.

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